Trapping Cupid!

We have to trap cupid so we can have love in the Comox Valley! Today we had a valentine’s day breakout and once we broke and there were Lego pieces inside the box and we had to try to build a trap so we could catch cupid! We each got Lego pieces and a partner.

Are plan was to build a little box with only one opening then a piece of candy in the middle (so cupid would go in) .Then a door would close once Cupid goes inside so he will be trapped in side. We also put wheels on it so it would be portable and a red flag that is the love flag so cupid would know its safe and full of love.

We have a security camera so we know when cupid flies into the trap then the door will close and cupid will be trapped in the box so we can have all the love!

Thank you for reading my blog post please comment what you think would improve my cupid trap make sure to put your blog URL so I can visit your blog!

This was edited by Kayley


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