It’s was just a normal day!



It was just a normal day…

We were at school and we were doing math (data analysis to be specific). Then on the announcement it said, “Everyone, everyone! Lockdown! Lockdown! There is a zombie apocalypse!”

Everyone screamed in fright.  “Will we be ok?” I asked in shaking because I was so scared. My teacher assured me that we will be ok and that the scientists were finding an antidote.

We all scurried into the kiln room and called our parents. All are parent said that they will be ok and that we will to ok too. We all started to feel a little more safe now. Then I said, “hey are we just sitting here, we need to go fight the zombies!”.

We all got out of the kiln room and got stuff from our desks to protect us. We patrolled the school to make sure everyone else was ok. It had been one hour and we hadn’t  seen our teacher so we all went and looked for her. We found her in the computer lab making sure they still work

“You scared us,” we all said.

There was another announcement that we all have to hide and that the zombies had got into the school while we were talking to are teache. It had been 5 minutes and we heard banging on the door. We started to scream. The door slowly opened and it got very quiet. No one said a word. We saw a hand. But it was normal hand and then are principal slowly walked in but didn’t show her face.

“I thought you were a zombie,” I said with a sigh of relief. Then she turned around and we saw her face! It was green and look weird. Everyone ran out of the room and we locked her in the computer lab.

Our class looked out of the library and saw that everyone  was a zombie except are class. We were the only ones(That’s what we thought). We all got worried about are family.

””Quiet, the radio is on!” my teacher explained. “We are working on the antidote don’t worry, remain calm,” the radio announcer said with a bit of worrying in his voice.

A loud crash came from the other side of the room that was covered by shelves so we couldn’t see what happened.

“W-what was that? “my classmate said.

“I-I don’t know,”. Some silent went around.

“ARRRRHHHHHHH!” the zombie said.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHH!” we all said.

We ran away. I was the only one that ran into a back room that was in the library. I sat there and heard no voices that I recognised, only zombie noises. I peeked through the window and saw that I was the only one that was not a zombie. I sat there wondering if I was really the only one. Was I the only one who survived? Will I ever see my family or pets.

I heard laughing.

“Huh,” I said, confused. I looked out  the window of the door and saw my class laughing so hard. I unlocked the door.

“Hey w-was this a prank?”

“Yes!” my class said in unison.

“WHAT?” I said with anger in my voice. “B-but you scared me and how did you do that zombie look so well?”.

“Practice makes perfect, “my teacher said with a smile on her face. “Now let’s go and have a zombie party.”

We had an awesome party that was amazing. That was the best day ever.

I hope you guys loved my story about zombies. The pic you see we used a website called PicMonkey  Make sure to check it out. What is your zombie story leave it in the comments below or on your blog and your blog URL in the comment below. Good bye everyone and I hope you have a great day!



6 thoughts on “It’s was just a normal day!

  1. Hi Briana,
    Your zombie story was incredible. I really liked how the hole thing was a big prank. I think that if you make a part two, it should be where a real zombie apocalypse happens and a couple other people find the antidote before it’s too late. It could also come in two parts to build suspense. But you don’t have to that’s just a suggestion.

    • Hi Eli,
      That’s a great idea I might do a part 2. If I do one I will make sure it’s a real zombie apocalypse. I’ll make sure to come and read your zombie post soon. I hope you have a great day!

  2. Hi Briana,
    This was amazing! I like how you ended it with a prank! If you do a part 2 you should do it were you prank someone else back. My favourite part was when the zombies “AAARRRHHHH” and then you scream, very effective. Were did you get the idea?
    Bye and have a cake-filled day

    • Hi Jayden,
      Maybe I’ll do one prank post a month. I just thought of the ARRHH in my brain that thinks a thinker! I hope you have an awesome day!

  3. Hi Briana! Haha I really enjoyed your story. I’m actually really into zombies because one of my favorite shows is The Walking Dead which is also about a zombie apocalypse. I thought it was a real zombie apocalypse the whole story until I read the plot twist at the end. That was really clever. Hopefully we don’t ever have a real zombie apocalypse!

    • Hi Anjelik,
      Thanks for commenting on my blog! I have never seen the walking dead I might start to watching it. I also hope we never have a zombie apocalypse but if we do we’ll know what to do. bye have an awesome day!

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